Shift From Reaction To Choice
Are you someone who makes deadlines? If so you need to be careful of this because it can make you reactionary in your business. Instead, try to be more choice…

How to shift from Mediocrity to Leadership
Bert Hellinger talks a lot about in a family of thieves the one who doesn’t steal feels guilty. Our biggest human need is to belong so people watch…

How Do You Build An Offer?
To build an offer you need to start with the result you want. If you’re presenting in front of a room, you’ll get the feel of who is there and…

Pushing vs Receiving
It’s easy to keep pushing yourself in business. Many believe that success comes from constant pushing …To get things done …To start…

The Number One Strategy to Enrol Your Clients
An effective way to turn a potential client into a paying customer is to sell them a blueprint. This is the strategy I use when someone comments on one of my posts…

How to Transform Your Environment for Maximum Success
An interesting thing happens when we go after what we want. Imagine you are joined to your usual ecosystem with a rubber band and your desired state…

Do you want to build a business or make money?
Cash is king. Whatever marketing strategy you have in business, monetising everything you do is what keeps it sustainable. My dad used…

How To Grow Your Business Through Discomfort
Have you ever noticed that when you raise the bar in your health or you raise the bar in your fitness, it actually can support you in your business? I’ve…

How Do You Keep Your Clients?
The most important thing in a business relationship, or any relationship really, is communication, and this should begin before you even start working with someone. Firstly,…

The Power of Discernment
I’m a little afraid to say this…but sometimes when I’m doing my work, people think that I have trouble receiving. I actually don’t. It’s…

If You’re Slightly Out of Your League, You’re in the Right Room
Often as entrepreneurs you find yourself at events where you realise that you still have a lot of work to do, even though you thought you were doing great. If…

What’s An Old Belief Of Yours?
I used to believe I had to be good in school to be successful. And for years this belief stopped me from being confident In many activities of my life. I…

The One Type Of Meeting Essential For You To Scale
How do you set KPI’s for your sales team? These are the two most important things you can do in business 1. Have off-site quarterly meetings with your team. 2.…

3 Reasons We Won’t Say Yes To The Thing That Will Change Our Life
There are generally 3 reasons we won’t say yes to the thing that will change our life. 1. We don’t trust ourselves 2. We don’t trust the person offering…

How To Leverage Your Team To Create Omnipresent Content
All the video content you create should be re-purposed into social media posts. This applies to everything from a Facebook Live to an entire event. There is…

How to Change Your Beliefs
The only thing stopping us from achieving anything is that we believe there's something standing in our way. …Whether it's playing the roles we have to play …Whether…

What Should Be Your First Hire When Starting A Business?
Eventually you will need to design a team to make your life easier. You need to buy back your time so you can focus on what you’re good at. The most important…

Move From Hustler To Leader
We have built a toxic relationship with hustling in this country. This relationship of being the underdog, working hard and suffering we continue to maintain…

How do you reach your 10 year goals in 3 to 5 years?
In my opinion the simplest answer to this question is from flow and not force. Flow comes from a state of internal stillness while there's external motion,…

Courage In Uncertain Times For Your Business
I’ve heard many stories of businesses and people struggling financially. Yet I will also share with you that I’ve heard stories of people making a ridiculous…

Want to scale your business? Start within
We all hear about the shadow or dark part of ourselves, but the thing that's not spoken about is you actually need to accept and embrace that part of yourself,…

No Team, No Growth
So you’re one of those who’s proud of doing everything yourself. This is not something to be proud of… It’s something to GROW OUT OF. This trait is…

What’s the Difference Between 1:1 Selling vs From a Stage?
It’s great to be good at 1:1 selling. I am too, but one of the biggest mistakes I made was thinking this transferred over to the stage, because it doesn’t. They're…

Is It Time?
Would you like it to be? Would you like it to be the time when All the work you’ve done in your businesses, All the work you’ve done on yourself … Start…