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How To Leverage Your Team To Create Omnipresent Content

Jeffrey Slayter - December 28, 2020 - 0 comments

All the video content you create should be re-purposed into social media posts.

This applies to everything from a Facebook Live to an entire event.
There is a structure for doing this and below I’ll outline how I do this.

There are 3 key people involved in creating the content.

1. VA in the Philippines who is highly experienced in running teams within call centres of 200+ people. She has a team including an editor who will chop up the videos and a high-end film editor who will get the video transcribed and put it into a document.

My VA is responsible for all my social media posting and scheduling.

2. Team Manager who is Australian (so speaks the same language).
I have educated her on who my avatar is, what they want and what problems they have. She’s always looking at the content through the lens of my avatar making sure it speaks to their needs.

3. Writer who creates the posts according to the requirements of the social media platforms and uses my language to turn the spoken words into a logical written form.

The steps taken are as follows:

1. The Team Manager receives the video link and goes through it creating time spots from 1 minute to 3½ minutes with suggested titles. We then get on a one hour call together and go through each time spot and I approve them. Generally we punch out around 20 videos in an hour which is quick because she’s already done the work.

2. The Team Manager then sends these time spots and titles directly to my VA who gets the video chopped up and the transcription done and put into a document.

3. This then goes to the writer with a copy of the video so she can hear my words. The writer creates a blog post, as well as posts for Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter. Once this is done it is stored by her and she sends a copy back to the VA who organises the scheduling and posting. Twice a week a YouTube video goes up and every day there’s a story.

This is a set sequence that allows content to be batched months ahead of time
And ensures that you always remain visible, no matter where you are.


Take care,




📌PS. If you are in a service-based business and want support in scaling to the next level, apply here to work out the best way to work with us personally.


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