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The Power of Discernment

Jeffrey Slayter - February 1, 2021 - 0 comments

I’m a little afraid to say this…but sometimes when I’m doing my work, people think that I have trouble receiving.


I actually don’t. It’s just that I choose who to receive from because I’m not here to receive everything.


I know the spiritual community tends to think that we must be open to everybody and give freely, but I don’t agree with that. I believe you have to earn a little trust before you throw all your cards on the table. That’s something I like to do in my own time and so will you.


It’s perfectly fine to not put all your cards on the table right away. In fact, it’s the smart thing to do because there’s a right time to do this and knowing when it’s appropriate to give or share something should be your choice.


However, if you are someone who never puts their cards on the table because you don’t trust anyone, then maybe it’s time to do this as it will help you to trust yourself more.


This is all about giving you more choices in life and business, it’s not about trying to change anything.


When you’re in a position of making money or creating impact, it’s common for everyone to want a piece of you, which is why I’m very specific about how and what I give, sharing with discretion and how I protect my privacy.


On the other hand, there are also times when I may meet a person and know intuitively that I can trust them straight away, so then I have no problem putting my cards on the table.


Take care,





📌PS. If you are in a service-based business and want support in scaling to the next level, apply here to work out the best way to work with us personally.


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