Where Should You Put Your Attention As An Entrepreneur Right Now?
There are 3 areas that are most important to put your attention as an entrepreneur right now. 1. Where is your ideal client’s attention? Has…

Your 90 Day Plan
In the next 90 days you have a choice… You can complain about what’s going on and want things to be different than they are. That’s totally…

The World is Changing and Your Business is Not
Let me explain… Many entrepreneurs out there Have not adapted to these different times. They think their client’s attention Is still…

Entrepreneurs and New Ideas
The average entrepreneur… thinks that new ideas come from them. Yet actually they come from tuning in to what’s already there. This…

If You’re Not Having Fun in your Business It’s Costing You Money
3 reasons why it’s costing you money: 1. People do business with people they want to have fun with. If you’re bored it’s getting all over your…

How to take big opportunities and make them even bigger?
Most business owners take opportunities that are big and settle for just that. When actually they are leaving a massive opportunity to reach more people…

How Do You Show People The Value in Your Product?
You know your product or service is valuable but how do you make sure your potential buyer sees that value? 1. Stop trying to SHOW people the value…

How to Pick a Domain in Your Life to Raise the Bar
You have a warrior inside of you that doesn't stop at 40% In your business, your life, your health and fitness - everything! So pick a domain in your life where…

Stop the Endless Seeking…Have More Fun
Do you relate to endless seeking? Trying to discover the truth of who you really are is exhausting. When I got to this point I stopped seeking and started…

How to Improve Your Public Speaking
You can't fake being a presenter. You can't fake all the experience you need to be a good speaker. You have to go through it. You need training and…

Selling from Stage and How to Back Yourself
The day when you’re selling from the stage and nobody puts their hand up to buy is a day of reckoning for you. You have to come to terms with the…

How To Save Time In Content Creation
No matter if you’re in an online or bricks and mortar business, the best way to come up with new content is to ask your clients what they want to know. At…

Turn your Speaking into Profit
I often get asked about the best way to get speaking gigs. You can’t expect to speak on stages without preparation, so here are my top tips to being…

Anything is Possible
We’re currently in a situation where much of the world is suffering. What I’m standing for is to end this suffering. We’ve learned…

How To Think More Effectively
If you want to have more influence in business and stronger negotiation skills, you need to be more fluid in your thinking. Most people’s conversations…

Curiosity, The Main Ingredient of Fulfillment
I don't ask questions because I don't know something, and I'm not afraid of not knowing. I ask questions because I'm curious. Even though I know the…

Inspire People
It’s a common misconception that if you have the opportunity to present in front of a room for 60 minutes that you need to provide a lot of education and give…

How to Get More Results When You’re Tired
Most people only operate on 50% of what they’re capable of, but really there are no limits. If you’re feeling a little tired push through it because…

How Do You Spend Money?
Most people are programmed to believe that to make a lot of money you need to work long hours, not be polarising, don’t ask for what you want. Many people…

Inspired Speaking Versus Just Speaking
Inspired speaking is when you allow your content to flow through you. It just comes out as you connect with your topic and really feel it. Just…

What Are The Biggest Challenges For Entrepreneurs, Coaches And Consultants?
If you’re an entrepreneur, coach or consultant and you’re presenting to a room full of people who are the same, you must list their challenges. These…

Money Mindset
When people suddenly come into extra cash, they often don’t have the money mindset to manage it. They may routinely be used to earning $3,000 or 4,000…

Insights In Emotional Intelligence And Success
Emotional intelligence is the ability to know we are not our emotions. Although we must experience our emotions they are not supposed to derail us.…

What To Do When You’re Struggling With Content
This is a great tip for you to remember when you’re doing a presentation. I’ve noticed when teaching my speaking courses that sometimes when people…