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How to Get More Results When You’re Tired

Jeffrey Slayter - May 31, 2021 - 0 comments

Most people only operate on 50% of what they’re capable of, but really there are no limits.


If you’re feeling a little tired push through it because most of it is in your mind.


Operating on full capacity creates more:


  • Results
  • Impact
  • Money
  • Expansion


This is something that we need to do together. To get to the next level it helps to have other people keeping you accountable for your vision.


Kate’s Zen master once said to her, “Your ability to handle discomfort in a state of presenceiIs equal to your ability to reach enlightenment”.


It’s the same for success.


When you’re uncomfortable and your body’s tired, your mind will make up stories, but you still get to live in the here and now. So just focus on doing one thing at a time. Be present, breathe and be open. If you do this we’ll all get through this together.


Take care,

📌PS. If you are in a service-based business and want support in scaling to the next level, apply here to work out the best way to work with us personally.


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