Money Mindset
When people suddenly come into extra cash, they often don’t have the money mindset to manage it. They may routinely be used to earning $3,000 or 4,000…
What To Do When You’re Struggling With Content
This is a great tip for you to remember when you’re doing a presentation. I’ve noticed when teaching my speaking courses that sometimes when people…
How to shift from Mediocrity to Leadership
Bert Hellinger talks a lot about in a family of thieves the one who doesn’t steal feels guilty. Our biggest human need is to belong so people watch…
Pushing vs Receiving
It’s easy to keep pushing yourself in business. Many believe that success comes from constant pushing …To get things done …To start…
How to Transform Your Environment for Maximum Success
An interesting thing happens when we go after what we want. Imagine you are joined to your usual ecosystem with a rubber band and your desired state…
How To Grow Your Business Through Discomfort
Have you ever noticed that when you raise the bar in your health or you raise the bar in your fitness, it actually can support you in your business? I’ve…