An Open Letter To All Overachievers
Congratulations you've been blinded by the biggest game in the world called success. It's something that's been fed to you since you were born. That when you…

Where Are We Going?
There are billions of different realities existing right now. Within the minds and hearts of real entrepreneurs who are actually willing to not be liked by everyone. In…

The Power of Choice
You've heard this before, I know I have. Yet, I have forgotten and many people have, that they have the power to choose that they have no choice. Each of us,…

How To Move Past Worry
Worry is a funny thing. It creeps up out of nowhere. Driving your car, sitting by yourself. There comes out worry again. It's like an old friend. But the challenges…

Do You Get Your Money's Worth at Free Events?
So you go to free events… and you get pissed off when they offer you a way to work together. I’ve been doing free events for over 7 years. Some people work…

This Is The Time
This is the time where you finally say enough, enough of playing small, enough of separating myself from what I know I'm connected to; enough of disempowering…