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Consistency is Key

Consistency is Key

You’ve had people tell you to be consistent…. The only thing you might be consistent at is being inconsistent. This is not something to be consistent at. You…

Jeffrey Slayter August 17, 2020
What Is The Best Way To Create Rapport And Engagement When Speaking?

What Is The Best Way To Create Rapport And Engagement When Speaking?

Speaking in front of rooms and on stages is an art form. I’m going to share 6 techniques you can use to help you Engage the audience Give you a feeling of…

Jeffrey Slayter August 2, 2020
When Things Aren’t Going Well How Do You Maintain A Positive Mindset?

When Things Aren’t Going Well How Do You Maintain A Positive Mindset?

Here are 7 things you can do: 1. Increase your water intake. I know it sounds simple yet we don’t have enough water in our system. It’s like a needle…

Jeffrey Slayter July 20, 2020
So, You Want To Share A Message To The World

So, You Want To Share A Message To The World

After speaking to over a million people all over the world, I've discovered that speaking and sharing a message is a bit like learning to play an instrument. You…

Jeffrey Slayter July 6, 2020
An Open Letter To Those On The Sidelines

An Open Letter To Those On The Sidelines

The sidelines, this is the most detrimental place to watch from. The sidelines, a place where dreams are trashed, opportunities are squashed and judgment runs…

Jeffrey Slayter June 22, 2020
How to Speak Confidently and Powerfully

How to Speak Confidently and Powerfully

This is a question I’ve received many times, and the answer is … You won’t. The only thing you can be confident about is that you won’t speak powerfully…

Jeffrey Slayter June 8, 2020