Do you want to build a business or make money?
Cash is king. Whatever marketing strategy you have in business, monetising everything you do is what keeps it sustainable. My dad used…

How To Grow Your Business Through Discomfort
Have you ever noticed that when you raise the bar in your health or you raise the bar in your fitness, it actually can support you in your business? I’ve…

How Do You Keep Your Clients?
The most important thing in a business relationship, or any relationship really, is communication, and this should begin before you even start working with someone. Firstly,…

The Power of Discernment
I’m a little afraid to say this…but sometimes when I’m doing my work, people think that I have trouble receiving. I actually don’t. It’s…

If You’re Slightly Out of Your League, You’re in the Right Room
Often as entrepreneurs you find yourself at events where you realise that you still have a lot of work to do, even though you thought you were doing great. If…

What’s An Old Belief Of Yours?
I used to believe I had to be good in school to be successful. And for years this belief stopped me from being confident In many activities of my life. I…