Where Should You Put Your Attention As An Entrepreneur Right Now?
There are 3 areas that are most important to put your attention as an entrepreneur right now. 1. Where is your ideal client’s attention? Has…

Your 90 Day Plan
In the next 90 days you have a choice… You can complain about what’s going on and want things to be different than they are. That’s totally…

The World is Changing and Your Business is Not
Let me explain… Many entrepreneurs out there Have not adapted to these different times. They think their client’s attention Is still…

Entrepreneurs and New Ideas
The average entrepreneur… thinks that new ideas come from them. Yet actually they come from tuning in to what’s already there. This…

If You’re Not Having Fun in your Business It’s Costing You Money
3 reasons why it’s costing you money: 1. People do business with people they want to have fun with. If you’re bored it’s getting all over your…

How to take big opportunities and make them even bigger?
Most business owners take opportunities that are big and settle for just that. When actually they are leaving a massive opportunity to reach more people…