Your 90 Day Plan
In the next 90 days you have a choice… You can complain about what’s going on and want things to be different than they are. That’s totally…

Entrepreneurs and New Ideas
The average entrepreneur… thinks that new ideas come from them. Yet actually they come from tuning in to what’s already there. This…

How to take big opportunities and make them even bigger?
Most business owners take opportunities that are big and settle for just that. When actually they are leaving a massive opportunity to reach more people…

How to Pick a Domain in Your Life to Raise the Bar
You have a warrior inside of you that doesn't stop at 40% In your business, your life, your health and fitness - everything! So pick a domain in your life where…

Stop the Endless Seeking…Have More Fun
Do you relate to endless seeking? Trying to discover the truth of who you really are is exhausting. When I got to this point I stopped seeking and started…

Selling from Stage and How to Back Yourself
The day when you’re selling from the stage and nobody puts their hand up to buy is a day of reckoning for you. You have to come to terms with the…