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Why Achievers Can’t Stop Being Busy

Jeffrey Slayter - April 20, 2020 - 0 comments

Have you ever felt in your life that you’re just staying busy for busy’s sake and you’re not able to stop?

This is something that I’ve noticed high achievers and successful people doing and I know for myself that stopping was very challenging for me.

It reminds me of a client of mine who sold their company and just kept on being busy. They were fixing the internet and other things around the house after selling their company because their mind wouldn’t shut off.

This is kind of a trap that people get into. They find it difficult to stop and be present to the next chapter in their life, so what often happens is they stay busy. When they’re ready for that next leap into something beyond success by everyday standards, they can’t do it because they can’t shut off, because one of the biggest challenges they experience is that they have no challenges any more.

This is a strange challenge to have because then they start to question their purpose, what they’re doing in their life and who they are. This is because their whole identity was framed around what they were here to achieve in the first chapter of their life.

They’re ready for something new but since they can’t stop, they hit this point of frustration and utter bewilderment, because they don’t know who they are without being busy and without having challenges.

This is a special time to create something new that is more congruent with your North Star, what’s important to you.

If this is you I want to talk with you because this next chapter in your life could be incredibly impactful and fulfilling. I’m not here to work with everyone. I want to work with people who really have hit success by everyday standards and they want to go beyond it to create something really meaningful for them and the world. Something that really makes a huge difference that’s more congruent to their values and who they are versus being driven by a sense of needing to achieve something.

Take care,





📌PS. Communication is directly proportional to our success.

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Here’s something many don’t really consider:

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If this is you, and you are committed to growing a sustainable business and impacting the world in a positive way, grab these 14 easy tips to skyrocket your sales from stage and one-on-one.

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