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What Do Top Leaders Do When They Are Bored or Uninspired?

Jeffrey Slayter - November 11, 2019 - 0 comments

Have you ever woken up in the morning and you’re just bored?

You know you’ve done what you want to do, but the problem is you’ve got a whole team around you and you’re lacking inspiration. And you know that your inspiration is the fuel that starts the fire for the team around you.

What you want to do in this situation is to simply take some time out and have an unconventional experience. This will get you out of your head and into a different type of environment, which will actually give you new ideas. What you want to do is spend time with other people who are in completely different vocations and industries and are successful in what they do.

When you do this you often have inspiring conversations that bring up the challenges they may be having in their businesses that match yours. Hear their different stories while in an unconventional experience but don’t just mix with those people. Other businesses can connect you with people you also want to spend time with.

For example, when I went to the jungles I was with a group of business leaders. They were all in different industries but we were also mixing with the Shipibo people who come from deep in the Amazon. This mix of people all spending time together were no better or worse than anyone else. It created such an interesting dynamic and new “aha” moments for every single business owner there.

These unconventional experiences are essential in order to create unconventional results so you can create greater impact and meaning in your life and business.

If this is you, I want to have a conversation with you. Go ahead and apply and my team will set up a conversation for us to have a chat.

Take care,





📌PS. Communication is directly proportional to our success.

My goal is to help you scale your business to the next level by increasing your sales from stage and one-on-one.

Here’s something many don’t really consider:

Stages include not only speaking engagements. Opportunities are everywhere – podcasts, interviews, social media channels, crucial company meetings, and more are the stages of today’s business world.

Utilising your communication skills for sales and speaking will allow you to make better offers, create bigger impact in the world and change more lives for the better.

If this is you, and you are committed to growing a sustainable business and impacting the world in a positive way, grab these 14 easy tips to skyrocket your sales from stage and one-on-one.

👉Go here to grab it:

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