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The Two Most Important Components of All Sales

Jeffrey Slayter - July 13, 2020 - 0 comments

I’ve taught many sales seminars in companies to people who don’t want to be there.

Their boss tells them they have to attend but they don’t want to waste two hours listening to some guy telling them what they already know when they could be out there closing deals.

Time is money, right?

There are two valuable things I teach about sales and these can be taught in five minutes.
Sales people will tell you they already know, yet so many of them don’t do it.

The first thing is to care about your customer. When closing a deal there must be a win-win situation. As a closer I won’t ever close a deal if I win and they lose, even if they beg.
If I win and someone else loses then that’s not winning to me. There must be win-wins all around to close a successful sale.

That’s an important part of heart-based selling.

Secondly, ask for the sale.

This simple part of the process will ensure at least a 15% increase in sales, but most sales people don’t do it. They don’t ask for the sale at the end of a sales call.

This works whether you’re selling products and services, when you’re selling your vision to an investor or looking for people to join your company. Basically, the more requests you make, the more money you’ll make.

You just have to ask.


Take care,





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