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The 4 Styles of Communication

Jeffrey Slayter - July 27, 2020 - 0 comments

When people communicate, particularly in sales conversations, they fall into one of these four categories:

1. Information gathering – About 20% of people fall into this group.

They don’t do anything spontaneously. They question, analyse and gather as much information as they can before they will make a decision about anything.
These are typical things an information gatherer might say:

“I read about this”
“I saw this on the news”.
“I need more information in order to make a decision”

2. Promises and requests – About 5% fall into this group.

This group has no problem asking for what they want or committing to something that may lead to making a decision.
Someone in this group might say:

“We’re going to go after this”
“I will show up at this time”
“If you buy my program, I’ll promise you this”

3. Decision making – About 5% fall into this group

There is a small minority that can make a decision easily. They are prepared to move forward and not procrastinate for long before jumping into something.
You will hear them say these types of things:

“I would like to buy this program”
“I want to come to your event in December”
“I am interested in joining you”

4. Sharing – About 70% fall into this group

Most people love to share information and talk about themselves. This is important but not all the time, and especially in the middle of the day when you’re trying to close deals.

“I had a great day because this happened”
“I felt this way when someone said this”
“Did you hear what happened to this person?”

As you can see, the average human being spends the majority of their time gossiping, or sharing information about the news, while making almost no promises or requests,
and making almost no decisions.

Then they wonder why their life doesn’t move forward.

Sharing with others is something that most people enjoy but there’s a time and place. If you want to create impact you need to make promises you can keep, ask reasonable requests of others and not be afraid to make a decision.


Take care,





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