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People Are Thirsty For Acknowledgement

Jeffrey Slayter - January 27, 2020 - 0 comments

For those of you who have hit the point of success by everyday standards and want to go beyond that, this specific topic is about acknowledgement.

It is about the most effective way to acknowledge and support the leaders around you.

You can acknowledge by just saying thank you, but there’s a method I’ve seen working amongst leaders in Fortune 500 companies specifically, which has people stepping into the truest and best versions of themselves which is what we want to do as leaders. We want to actually amplify our leadership.

We want to not only create more followers, we want to create more leaders. The way to do this is to say thank you to them for paying attention specifically to whatever they did, then the reason why you are thanking them.

Here are a couple of examples:

“Thank you for your video. The reason I’m saying this is because your video supported me in my leadership and development within my team, and is helping me to create greater impact”.

“Thank you for what you said. The reason I’m saying this is because your words touched my heart and gave me the courage to move forward”.

So the simple tool for acknowledgement and creating more leaders in an authentic way is to say thank you (for whatever they did) and the reason I say this is because (what it gave to you).

It’s very important to make it authentic and real, and share it in a way that makes sense and shows that it’s coming from the truest part of yourself. If you don’t do it in this way they’ll see right through it.

An incredible exercise I did in a workshop was to have everyone call their parents and acknowledge them. I’ve had people completely break down in tears because their parents had been craving acknowledgement. By just giving this to your family you’d be surprised at the gift this is for them, and not only that, you never know how long they’ll be around for.

So please comment below one of the things that you’d like to acknowledge someone for. Let’s share some nice stuff by acknowledging those around you who you love, and let’s sprinkle some acknowledgement back in this world so we can make it a more peaceful place.

Take care,





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