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You Know More is Possible

Jeffrey Slayter - April 6, 2020 - 0 comments

Have you ever felt like you could do a whole lot more with greater impact and greater meaning, even though everyone around you is saying that you’re doing really well?

I know I have, but there’s this thing inside you that keeps telling you that if you do more it will bring greater fulfillment and joy into your life. Yet it’s just not cracking, and like me, many of my clients have felt this as well.

This happens because when you originally planned the business or project you set out to do, you created it from a standpoint of what success is by everyday standards. Now that you’ve spent some time in it, you know it’s not all it’s cracked up to be.

You might have hit the level of recognition you wanted to hit, made the money you wanted to make or created the level of impact you wanted, yet ultimately it doesn’t change anything inside of yourself.

You’re ready now to actually create something new within yourself from a standpoint of not having to do it, but because it’s your greatest expression. It’s what’s next for you.

So what needs to happen in order to do this is to collaborate with people who challenge your current frame of thinking and are outside of your ecosystem. One thing that could be happening right now is that you’re spending time with people that are all in your ecosystem. This means if you make a change, it impacts them in a potentially negative way or makes them feel uncomfortable.

So if you can, spend time with people who actually challenge where you are right now and where you want to go. This isn’t necessarily about being something bigger, but about thinking a little differently, a little more fluidly to challenge the areas you do know that you don’t know about. This enables you to unlock the answers within you that are closer to the original premise of who you are as a human being in your greatest expression.

When you do this, you’ll actually unlock something far more fulfilling and enjoyable in your life. It doesn’t mean you have to throw away everything you’ve already done, it just means there’s an opportunity for a new chapter in your life. Say you’ve written up to chapter 10. Now it’s time for chapter 11 which is far more meaningful and impactful.

If this is you, I’d love to have a conversation with you. What’s missing is greater co-operation with other people, the opportunity to reflect and not be so busy in life. If we’re busy being busy all the time, what actually happens is we don’t slow down enough to actually let the answers bubble up from within ourselves. The other thing that’s missing is someone to challenge your current framework of what you think is possible, what exists now, and see how out of alignment things could potentially be from where you actually want to go.

So if this is you, let’s have a conversation. Go ahead and apply below and my team will reach out to you and set up a call. I look forward to connecting.

Take care,





📌PS. Communication is directly proportional to our success.

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Here’s something many don’t really consider:

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