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Is It Time?

Jeffrey Slayter - October 26, 2020 - 0 comments

Would you like it to be?

Would you like it to be the time when
All the work you’ve done in your businesses,
All the work you’ve done on yourself
Start to come together to make perfect sense?

With every dot that’s ever happened,
Now you can see the connecting of the dots of your life.
This is the moment when you connect all the dots
And become the change and the shift of
what you came here for.

This is your time to rise.
It could also be your time to fall…
To fall into the depths of fear.

Many will choose fear…

Yet if you’re reading this
I stand with you in:

Choosing love vs fear
Choosing vitality vs mediocrity
Choosing abundance for all vs separation.

Many who don’t want to lead at this time
are being asked to lead.
Now it’s time to lead ourselves.

And as you choose to lead yourself
Others will lead themselves too …
Yet each will respect each other’s gifts.

Pods of dolphins take turns leading
And at this time humans will as well.

Lead where you’re meant to lead
And listen when you’re meant to listen.
If you can get this timing right
Your business and your life
Will flourish like you’ve never seen before!


Take care,





📌PS. If you are in a service-based business and want support in scaling to the next level, apply here to work out the best way to work with us personally.


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