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Curiosity, The Main Ingredient of Fulfillment

Jeffrey Slayter - June 13, 2021 - 0 comments

I don’t ask questions because I don’t know something, and I’m not afraid of not knowing.


I ask questions because I’m curious. Even though I know the answer may not be what I think it is, but for now that might be the answer. What I’ve learned for myself is I don’t know anything.


This universe is beyond my comprehension. I used to ask questions because I needed to know something, I needed to know the truth of the universe. Most of the questions I asked earlier in my life were because I wanted to know the truth, and then I realised this was a huge distraction. 


Now instead of trying to understand the truth of the universe I’d rather realise I am the universe


When questions don’t come from having to discover the truth, from that point on it’s just fun. 


The same way it’s fun to be curious.


A friend of mine has a kid who’s curious about quails. He watches them for hours, curious about how they interact with each other. He’s not doing this because he wants to know the truth, he’s doing it simply because he’s curious. If that had been me at that age I would have wanted to know the truth, but he’s just happy being curious about the world.


So the solution to fulfillment in life is to be curious. Just like Einstein said “just be curious”. 


I know that when an answer comes it’s from a question, and this is what I need to move forward because I’m an explorer just like you.


Take care,

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