Jeffrey has had the opportunity to train and learn from over 3 million people (both online and offline) in over 12 different countries (some include; Australia, United States, German, Indonesia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Singapore, Malaysia, Germany, Italy and India). Jeffrey has shared the stage with top speakers like:
Les Brown (internationally rated the top motivational speaker)
Bob Proctor and Dr. Demartini (stars from the movie The Secret)
T Harv Eker (best-selling author of The Secrets of a Millionaire Mind)
John Grey (best-selling author of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus)
Keith Cunningham (a lead instructor for Tony Robins Wealth Mastery)
Frank Kern (the highest paid direct response internet marketer in the world)
Christine Comaford (NY times best-selling author and venture capitalist)
Tim Ferriss (author of The 4-Hour Work Week)
Sir Richard Branson (founder of Virgin)
Harry Dent (leading world economist)
Partial List of Clients
and Conferences
Coldwell Banker
Keller Williams
Prudential Real Estate
Tony Robbins Power Team
Success Resources
International Real Estate Expo
International Game Developer Leadership Conferences
Game Developers Conference L.E.A.D Conference
National Speakers Association
Green V Sustainable Conference
Internet Income Summit
San Francisco City Hall New Years Eve
THarv Ecker
Universal Events Aus
NREI: National Real Estate Investment Club
Young Professionals Group
IRCA Real Estate Group
REI Circle
Monta Vista High School
Fusion HQ Event Lean Mama bacnetwork
Rotary Club Love Systems
NLP Marin
Worlds Greatest Team
Saratoga Chamber Of Commerce
San Jose Entrepruner Center
Brightside of Life
National Society of Hispanic MBAs
Educational Organizations
Menlo College
Expressions for New Media
Wealth M.

Title of Talk:
Beyond “SUCCESS”
Too many leaders hit the glass ceiling of “success” according to everyday standards. A little voice in their head says something like “I know I am meant for more. I just don’t what it is and what to do next”. People around them might say to them they are doing great. Yet deep down they want their greatest potential to be expressed and to happen faster with greater impact.
At times they may feel unfulfilled, alone, and frustrated at the pace of their impact. They may feel a bit burned out, lack inspiration, not as adventurous and fun as they could be, and stuck in “is this all there is?” mode…sitting on the Launchpad of leadership annoyed at their unfulfilled potential to make an even greater impact faster.

Title of Talk:
Double Your SALES, Double Your IMPACT
Sales and marketing are the lifeblood of any business.
Many people recoil at the word “sales” but when you position yourself as the guide whose sole purpose is to serve your clients as best you can, you become indispensable.
Adding stages to your sales skills opens even more opportunities to serve and make greater impact.
And Stages include not only speaking engagements, opportunities are everywhere – podcasts, interviews, social media channels, crucial company meetings and more are the stages of today’s business world.

Title of Talk:
Jeffrey Unplugged
We are at the dawn of a new era for business. Discover the future of business taught only by Jeffrey Slayter. Jeffrey Slayter is a pioneer in the world of business and has the natural gift of accessing a wealth of information sourced from over 20,000 hours of personal research coupled with 18 years experience in training, allowing him to engage with the people of the room in a much deeper process and share custom tailored information for his audience.
The audience will walk away with tangible takeaways, while having a new way to look at their lives, relationships and business. No presentation is ever the same. His information at times challenges beliefs, the normal mundane structure, and the common approaches to life and business.