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Why Do You Want to Meet Famous People?

Jeffrey Slayter - September 29, 2020 - 0 comments

Meeting famous people is not very useful to growing your business.

Instead, do business with “famous people”.

No-one is above or below anybody else. Yet some of these people, not all, have doubled down on their strengths and are willing to be unconventional.

Here are 3 steps to meeting famous people:

1. Become famous yourself.

2. Don’t be a jerk.
We don’t need more famous people.
We need more empathetic famous people.
That way everyone can become famous.

3. Back yourself.
Ruthlessly love yourself.
Work with people who trigger you, level you up
and that you’re not comfortable with.


Take care,





📌PS. If you are in a service-based business and want support in scaling to the next level, apply here to work out the best way to work with us personally.


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